Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sample HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices Statement

Sample HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices StatementSample HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices StatementHIPAA is an acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA was enacted to ensure the privacy and confidential handling of medical information for all patients in the U.S. It applies to all medical and mental health tafelgeschirr providers. HIPAA laws can be complicated but absolutely must be adhered to. HIPAA requires that all persons you collect medical information from either directly or indirectly (such as by filling a prescription) be notified of their rights to privacy and receive a Notice of Privacy Practices which is sometimes also called Notice of Information Practices. The statement must tell yur patient clients what you do with their information and it either must be signed by the patient, or the patient must sign a HIPAA consent form that they have received a copy of your privacy practices prior to signing a HIPAA consent form. This free sample HIPAA privacy practices statement is not intended to serve or substitute as a legal document or as legal advice for your own medical, mental health, or any other service organization or business. The following sample HIPAA privacy practices statement is the information practices statement the national-level non-profit I founded and run uses. It was specifically worded for nonprofit services (free medical services) but can be adapted for use by for-profit businesses as well. I have replaced the name of my own organization with Imaginary Health Services nach dem kostendeckungsprinzip arbeitend (ISHN). Be sure to remove this fictitious name and replace it with the name of your own business. You should also revise this document to detail your ownprivacy policiesand have an attorney review it to make sure it meets the legal requirements of your own business before using it. Sample HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices Statement Notice of Information Practices and Privacy Statement For Imaginar y Health Services Nonprofit Your Physical Address and Complete Contact Information How We Collect Information About YouImaginary Health Services Nonprofit. (IHSN) and its employees and volunteers collect data through a variety of means including but not necessarily limited to letters, phone calls, emails, voicemails, and from the submission of applications that are either required bylaw or necessary to process applications or other requests for assistance through our organization. What We Do Not Do With Your InformationInformation about your financial situation and medical conditions and care that you provide to us in writing, via email, on the phone (including information left on voicemails), contained in or attached to applications, or directly or indirectly given to us, is held in strictest confidence. We do not give out, exchange, barter, rent, sell, lend, or disseminate any information about applicants or clients who apply for or actually receive our services thatareconsidered patient confidential, is restricted by law, or has been specifically restricted by a patient/client in a signed HIPAA consent form. How We Do Use Your InformationInformation is only used as is reasonably necessary to process your application or to provide you with health or counseling services which may require communication between IHSN and health care providers, medical product or service providers, pharmacies, insurance companies, and other providers necessary to verify your medical information is accurate determine the type of medical supplies or any health care services you need including, but not limited to or to obtain or purchase any type of medical supplies, devices, medications, insurance, If you apply or attempt to apply to receive assistance through us and provide information with the intent or purpose of fraud or that results in either an actual crime of fraud for any reason including willful or un-willful abrollcontainer-transportsystem of negligence whether intended o r not, or in any way demonstrates or indicates attempted fraud, your non-medical information can be given to legal authorities including police, investigators, courts, and/or attorneys or other legal professionals, as well as any other information as permitted by law. Information We Do Not CollectWe do not use cookies on our website to collect date from our site visitors. We do not collect information about site visitors except for one hit counter on the main index page (www.yourwebpage.org) that simply records the number of visitors and no other data. We do use some affiliate programs that may or may not capture traffic date through our site. To avoid potential data capture that you visited a diabetes website simply do not click on any of our outside affiliate links. Limited Right to Use Non-Identifying Personal Information From Biographies, Letters, Notes, and Other SourcesAny pictures, stories, letters, biographies, correspondence, or thank you notes sent to us become the exclusi ve property of IHSN. We reserve the right to use non-identifying information about our clients (those who receive services or goods from or through us) for fundraising and promotional purposes that are directly related to our mission. Clients will not be compensated for use of this information and no identifying information (photos, addresses, phone numbers, contact information, last names or uniquely identifiable names) will be used without clients express advance permission. You may specifically request that NO information be used whatsoever for promotional purposes, but you must identify any requested restrictions in writing. We respect your right to privacy and assure you no identifying information or photos that you send to us will ever be publicly used without your direct or indirect consent.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

6 Ways to Use Personal Branding to Enhance Your Job Search

6 Ways to Use Personal Branding to Enhance Your Job Search 6 Ways to Use Personal Branding to Enhance Your Job Search Personal branding is what sets you apart. Its what makes you more hirable and more likable than someone with similar qualifications. According to career experts, if youre in the running for a new job, you will be Googled. Make sure youre crafting a consistent, professional, and original personal brand across your social media platforms and into your job application materials.1. Craft a brand ansichtAn objective statement once a resume standby is too self-focused to be persuasive to employers. Instead, your branding statement, or summary statement, is a brief introduction to an employer that discusses your skills, your uniqueness, and the ways you used these skills in the past. These are not resume objectives, but rather they describe who you are to an employer demonstrating that you are not only one of many, but the only one for the job. Your brand statement shou ld be included in all of your social media bios - from Facebook to Twitter to Linkedin - conveying who you are by incorporating your skills, your experience, and your expertise.2. Network on multiple platformsThe best way to demonstrate personal branding is to show that you live your brand is by articulating your brand statement across multiple platforms. Use your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to demonstrate your branding. That means keeping your picture the same across multiple networksfor consistency, as well asmaintaining an identical, or at least uniform,About Me sectiontoo.3. Keep your image the same across social mediaAs you update anyprofile to include yourupcoming projects or accomplishments, be sure to post the informationon all of your platforms. You can make this task easier by using tools like Hootsuite andBuffer that automate your posts across social media.Example of a Hootsuite social media organization dashboard.4. Be consistent, but dont go overboardYour social me dia pages dont have to fill up with buttoned-up images or corporate speech. Part of the point of personal branding is just that demonstrating that you are a person. Dont be afraid to post about your favorite hobby oruse your favorite expressions. However, your goal isnt to be unprofessional. You dont want to demonstrate how you like to get rabauke on your days off or inundate your followers with too many political rants. Instead, you want to demonstrate you are someone whom your future colleagues would like to be around all day.5. Build a well-connected networkOnce you have a killer personal brand across your social media platforms, you want others to see it. One way to do this is by joining LinkedIn groups to connect with others who focus on your field and expertise. You can also upload your email contacts into LinkedIn so you can connect with more people online using the Add Connections feature on the platform. Once you have a strong social network, you can ask your friends to int roduce you to new contacts you think might be valuable to you. This way you can build your network and your credibility. You can also follow hashtags on Twitter, so you can stay current and earn new followers.6. Ensure your brand is evident on your resumeYour online persona might fit a position perfectly, but you want to make sure that fit is conveyed accurately in your resume. Dont include a generic branding statement about yourself on each resume you send to employers. Instead, tailor your branding statement for each employer using Jobscan.Jobscan matches keywords from the job posting to keywords youre including in your resume, andensuring these match helps your resume make it through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Once youve seen which keywords on your resume dont match the posting, Jobscan offers you advice on how to change your branding statement in a way that fits the employers requirements while still staying true to your brand.Personal branding is important it helps you create a cohesive version of yourself across platforms, build your social network, and demonstrate your value to a company. Most importantly, however, personal branding should be authentic to you youre not selling anything youre simply demonstrating your unique point-of-view.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Leverage the Downturn and Hire the Best Talent Available

Leverage the Downturn and Hire the Best Talent AvailableLeverage the Downturn and Hire the Best Talent AvailableLeverage the Downturn and Hire the Best Talent Available Chinsky MatusonWhen it comes to hiring employees, your small company can leverage the downturn to effectively onboardhigher-level candidates.Patricia Hunt Sinocole, CEO and founder of First Beacon Group LLC believes this is the ideal time to seek talent for several reasons. First, there are many strong candidates that are looking. Many candidates were holding back job-seeking efforts in late 2008 and 2009. The feeling was that at least I have a job or the known is better than the unknown. I am finally seeing some movement, states Sinocole.Denise Horan, Principal, Integrated Management Sales Consulting notes there are great people, many who are unemployed due to no fault of their own, that are seeking work. Like Sinacole, Horan thinks this is a very transitional time for many workers. If you are employed, you may be o verworked or underappreciated, states Horan. If you are unemployed due to a downsizing, you are ready and willing to work hard for someone else.Use the thema to do Spring CleaningIt is difficult to get better results from your team if your workplace includes procrastinator employeeswho are merely taking up space. Sinocole suggests asking, If you had to hire this person again, knowing what you know now, would you? This question really helps small business owners and hiring managers identify the keepers and those that are not keepers. If thats the case, be sure you know how to handle an employee termination. But sometimes, when you take the time to look around, you realize that what you have is best.Competing with the Big Guys for TalentMany small businesses find that standing out in a large sea of employers is a tall order, when it comes to attracting top talent. It doesnt have to be that way. There are a number of ways you can make your small company stand out to job candidates.Acco rding to Sinocole, there are many small companies that are not household names that have certainly created a lot of buzz in the employment marketplace. It is important for small businesses who are building their brand to treat candidates in a warm, professional and friendly manner. These impressions are lasting. Word of mouth is powerful says Sinocole.Ann Latham, President of president of Uncommon Clarity, Inc., a firm that helps clients achieve superior results faster and with greater confidence, believes the biggest disadvantage many small businesses have is an inferiority complex when it comes to attracting talent. Attracting top talent is a sales job. Why do your employees like working for you?Typical advantages that help drive employee motivation include the ability to make a difference and acquire a wide sortiment of skills and experiences quickly, greater variety and flexibility, and the potential for a rapid increase in responsibility, states Latham. This information should be imbedded in your recruitment collateral and included on your website as part of your small business marketing strategy.Horan suggests marketing yourself locally by putting out good press. Announce your successes through press releases and participate in charity events or community service to engage with potential candidates. Horan adds, Many workers admire that and may want to be part of that type of corporate culture.Connecting the Recruiting DotsReign in your recruitment strategy by starting with your own people. Good people tend to associate with other good people. Ask your star performers if they know of anyone who might be a good fit for the organization. If possible, offer a bonus for employer referrals to get your employees thinking mora earnestly about this. Use your connections in the community and dont forget to ask your vendors and clients if they know of people who might fit the bill.Organizations are really pumping up the use of social media to get the word out about job opportunities. Usesocial media platformsas part of your social media recruiting and hiringstrategy andto linkpeopleto jobs postedon Monster.Keeping your Hiring RealLatham reminds business owners to hire what they need. Terms like top talent or great talent conjure images of award-winning, Ivy-degreed innovators who sit indisputably at the extreme end of a giant talent yardstick, says Latham. It may be great for your ego to hire the overqualified candidate,but will this person still be there the moment the economy shows signs of improvement?A down economy is a great time to take stock of the talent on hand and to upgrade where necessary. Just dont wait too long, as economists are already predicting a recovery is just around the corner. 2010 Human Resource Solutions. All Rights Reserved.Author BioRoberta Chinsky Matuson is the President of Human Resource Solutionsand is the author of the forthcoming book, Suddenly in Charge Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around, (Nich olas Brealey, January 2011) Her firm helps organizations accelerate productivity and profitability by increasing employee engagement. Sign up to receive Robertas complimentary newsletter, HR Matters.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Spouse Work Envy

Spouse Work EnvySpouse Work EnvyHow do you handle your own joblessness when your significant other is thriving?Your spouse just got a big promotion, while you havent worked in months and are struggling to get your foot in the door for an interview.How do you feel? Happy? At least your family income is more secure. Envious that he or she has gotten something you havent? Bitter, even, because you deserve at least as much success? This is definitely a situation they didnt include in the marriage manual nor in geschftlicher umgang books.If youre like fruchtwein folks, chances are you have mixed feelings, including guilt that you have mixed feelings. After all, arent you supposed to be rejoicing in the achievement of the one you love? Its easier when its someone whos not close to you - a friend or former colleague, perhaps, who meets with great success. That way, at least you dont have to fake joyfulness with your bedmateIts all in your mindWhether or not you have trouble accepting the g ood fortune of someone else has most to do with we binnensee ourselves, said Carol Dweck, a Stanford University psychology professor whose work, as she describes it, bridges developmental psychology, social psychology and personality psychology and examines the self-conceptions people use to structure the self and guide their behavior.As she describes in her bookMindset, if we have a fixed mindset - a tendency to see our basic qualities such as intelligence and talent as fixed at birth - we feel threatened by the success of others because we fear it exposes our lack of ability. Conversely, when we believe intelligence and talent are things we can grow our whole lives through effort, we find lessons and inspiration from others If he can do it, it proves that I can do it.Ive written before about the studies Dweck has done to demonstrate the profound effects a growth mindset can have on increasing success at work. It can also make the difference between whether the little green monst er raises its ugly head when our loved one does well and were stuck on hold.Moving beyondSo what can you do if you recognize you are not feeling great about your partners achievement? Here are some tipsFirst, tell yourself the truth about what youre experiencing - Im having some mixed emotions about this. Denying it to yourself will only mean the feelings come out sideways in actions and words.Embrace a both/and attitude. You feel envy and happiness, joy and discouragement. Human beings are complex creatures capable of varied emotional states. Share your both/and attitude with your spouse rather than faking it. After all, this is a person you see every day, so he or she probably knows anyway. We all have specialized brain cells called mirror neurons that allow us to perceive the emotions of others. When there is a disconnect between what a person is saying and what behauptung cells are picking up, neuroscience tells us a person can smell somethings fishy.Remind yourself of your tal ents and the ways youve succeeded in the past. These inner resources are the raw materials from which you build your future.Ask yourself what youre learning as a result of this career setback. What qualities of mind and spirit have you developed? These too are resources you can call on anytime.People experiencing a setback do better when they remember its temporary. Youre going through a bad patch, but it will be better in the future. If youre feeling discouraged, ask your mate to help you remember it wont go on like this forever.Find a way to succeed at something that requires only your effort and talents run a half-marathon, take up oil painting, write a blog. The experience of success gives us energy to use in the job hunt. And who knows? It might spawn a whole new career.Embrace the challenge to grow and learn. The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when its not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset, Dweck wrote on her Web site. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Get Noticed by Your Dream Company

How to Get Noticed by Yur Dream CompanyHow to Get Noticed by Your Dream CompanyWhen employers are receiving countless cover letters and resumes each day, you may wonder just what you can do to stand out from the crowd. Of course, having a well-crafted cover letter anda flawless resume helps. However, hundreds of other candidates are submitting equally compelling material. So,how do you go above and beyond the norm to catch the attention of a company youd like to work for?Eugenia Sawa, a staffing manager atMicrosoft, has provided some insight into how candidates can stand out. Heres what she had to say Present Yourself, Both in Person and Online, in a Polished and Professional Way For any role, a dream candidate will provide me with a universal, well-rounded, and informative picture of themselves professionally. Let Your Online Presence and Your Face-To-Face Demeanor Reflect Your Resume Everything content-wise that appears on each channel should match up in terms of expertise, acc omplishments, and personality (cheeky/out there), and fit with how you present yourself in person. Use Social Media to Set up Introductions at Conferences We love meeting candidates at conferences, so let us know youre attending the same conferences we are through our various social media channels. How else will we get the chance to meet you there? Help us get a good idea of who you are and what youre looking for so we can set up a meeting with someone from our team. Maintain an Active Presence on Linkedin LinkedIn is yourunofficial resume. We do spend a lot of time here. Let Your Expertise Shine Beyond Linkedin Even more so, we are looking for domain experts people who speak about technical challenges they are having at work and the people who offer advice to help resolve them.Quora and Twitter are key places to ask and answer questions in specific fields of expertise. Keep Your Accomplishments Fresh At the start of the New Year, start your running list of your accompli shments at work. It helps you update your resume easily when you need to and makes for an easier time writing your annual performance review. Set Professional Goals - and Reach Them Every New Year, you should think about your game plan for the year.Are you going to simply update your LinkedIn profile or are you going to take that class that you have been meaning to take, or actually apply to jobs? Tell one friend and keep yourself accountable by meeting with your friend every quarter.Accountability keeps us true to what we set out to do at the beginning of the year. A Checklist for Success As you gear up to approach your dream company, its good to have a plan. Not only will this help you to focus upon your career search, but it will also give you the confidence and the information youll need to impress when you finally do land your interview. Based on Eugenia Sawas recommendations, here is a checklist of steps for you to take during your campaign to get noticed by your dream employer Make a list of your top 10 dream employers, and then carefully research their organizations. Become familiar with their corporate history (a good source for this is the About section on their website), their mission statement, their organizational structure, and the names of their key personnel in management, human resources, and in the department you envision yourself joining.Create or update your resume on LinkedIn so that it emphasizes the skills and professional experience that would best qualify you to work for your dream company. Make sure your professional brand matches what you are seeking for the next phase of your career. Use LinkedIn, as well as the organizational website, to learn who works at your target companies and how long they have held their current tenures.While it is risky to directly approach hiring managers themselves through LinkedIn, it is perfectly acceptable to ascertain if they share any of the same professional contacts who are in your network. If so, then its fine to approach your shared contact and ask if theyd be willing to provide you with a referral to the company.Research and list all of the job fairs/conferences where you know your dream employer will be recruiting, and make it a point to attend these. Regularly review the companys current job listings to see if there are entry-level positions they are searching or internship opportunities they offer. Often the best way to get your foot in the door is to land an entry-level job and then work your way up the ranks.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Presumed Guilty Is Wrong and What You Should Know

Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Presumed Guilty Is Wrong and What You Should Know The Presumed Guilty Game So far theres still no event of either kind to reply. Within this nation, every individual accused of a severe charge deserves a reasonable process before judgment. The exact saatkorn applies in reverse. The price of disbelieving ladies, on the flip side, is far steeper. The statistics say that 75% of the people has a legal issue at any 1 time at the place where they could use the help of legal counsel. Some folks appear aloof or emotionless since they are in shock or denial. The MeToo problem is, that other individuals will begin doing the very same thing. Presumed Guilty Secrets My uncle was a fantastic professor at MIT for many decades. To defend your case properly, its vital to recognize the possible factual and constitution problems, which only a defense lawyer can do. Mr Nifong was clearly among the worst. Employing a defense attorney can help you sta y away from adverse effects even if youve been found guilty. Heres What I Know About Presumed Guilty Whether youre wrongly accused, or guilty as charge, choosing an excellent lawyer will make sure that you fight for your freedom, protect your rights and get valuable advice during the full practice. The reality is legal insurance is most likely the cheapest type of insurance you could ever buy but it will provide you the largest empowerment you could possibly find. An improved criminal records certificate will also incorporate info about the barred lists and being added to either register means that any work application that needs an improved certificate is almost sure to fail. Any event of getting payments or benefits from another by the usage of threats. It was quite a messy operation. Keeping records, setting up accounting procedures in order to comply with making regular revenue tax payments is important. Some business accounting gutachten can be useful. With this system you own a record of daily and month-to-month small business income and expenses. Quite simply, a driver is needed to comply with an officers request to have a chemical test whenever theres probable cause to believe the person was driving a car in violation of Colorados DUI laws. The commission has three big responsibilities. You may be quoted within the next issue which youll receive for free just for participating. Normally, an officer cant physically restrain a man or woman to get a sample for testing. New Questions About Presumed Guilty Extortion and blackmail are particularly related to embarrassing crimes like adultery or sodomy. In case the suspect is unwilling to accomplish this, its an offence. The accusation proved to be a transparent lie from the beginning. If you become pregnant, thats your responsibility. Also included in the class of rioter are people who only assembled with the aim of committing such a breach, whether it was performed. One particular large defect was the dominant function of the magistrate. Sams story appears to be checking out. Folks are laughing at the idea of it. Admittedly, the kids do a great deal of chanting and it is not always feasible to tell what theyre saying. Things went badly from the beginning. The Upside to Presumed Guilty Being part of a huge family, Marlon lived a joyful childhood. Its clearer in the movie. The movie also spread in the shape of unlicensed DVDs. It isnt an uplifting film, but its the most effective French film to appear in a really long moment. The 30-Second Trick for Presumed Guilty Subtracting your monthly expenses from your receipts provides you a great gauge of the general direction of your company direction. Due procedure and facts be damned. In any case, reliance on this misfit idea is not essential. Furthermore, you can deduct travel utilizing public transportation, maintain your vehicle, meals, lodging and other relevant expense. Vital Pieces of Presumed Guilt y A number of them supported Hillary Clinton. Essentially, Coons stated they will pick. Lawyers put their customers interests first. Type of Presumed Guilty A sobering truth is that were nearly 3 times more inclined to be sued than be admitted to a hospital. The food is merely jail-house food. Getting courageous There is not any hiding place in little and medium sized businesses. The previous place a youngster needs to be reluctant to go is school. Presumed Guilty for Dummies If youre pro-choice, youre asking those folks who are pro-life to enable you to commit murder. What father enters the birthing room with their daughter, for example. A murderer may also be a loving father. Marrying another spouse while the very first spouse was still living.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Working At Avaaz

Working At Avaaz In the video above, Fatima Ibrahim shares some information about the impactful campaigns she has worked on as well as what she loves about working at Avaaz.Are you interested in joining the team at Avaaz?If yes, then click here to see all of Avaazs available opportunities and dont forget to press Follow to receive custom job matches, event invitations and more One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stere otype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the wertzuwachs of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the differen ce in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.b r/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($ 67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

If youre stressed, research says to think in the third-person

If youre stressed, research says to think in the third-personIf youre stressed, research says to think in the third-personTo put your problems in perspective, it helps to give yourself some objective distance.But when our problems only exist in our heads, stepping back from the issues can be challenging, if not impossible. Thats why psychology research has found solutions to create mental distance between our minds and our anxiety.Thinking in the third-person decreases your stressIf you cant take a literal break from your own brain, try putting some linguistic distance in your head by thinking of yourself in the third-person.A recent study published in Scientific Reports found that thinking of yourself in the third-person can be an effective way to control your thoughts and behaviors under pressure.The researchers recruited participants to recall painful autobiographical memories using eitherIortheir name. Participants who had to recall these memories with I statements reported much higher distress than those who got to talk about these memories with some linguistic distance.In the study, the researchers suggested that the pronoun switch makes a difference because language rapidly shapes peoples emotional experiences. When youre under extreme stress and anxiety, your world can constrict to your own feelings of panic. When alarm bells are ringing in your head, youre unable to think clearly. Thats why the researchers suggested that individuals who are excessively self-focused in the face of negative experiences would benefit the fruchtwein from this technique. It forces you out of your head and gives you some distance to sort through your thoughts.Imagine that a friend is in your situationIf you struggle with the idea of thinking of yourself in the third-person, try thinking of how you would approach your problem if the same problem welches happening to a close friend.We tend to be much harder on ourselves than we would be on people who are our close friends. Thi s finding is backed by cognitive behavioral therapy. In his book on anxiety therapy, cognitive behavioral therapist David D. Burns discusses how he uses a Double-Standard role play technique with his patients.If you discover that youd be more compassionate and objective when talking to a friend, ask yourself if youf be willing to talk to yourself in the same way, Burns advises.In one scenario the book details, a patient was able to work through his self-defeating thoughts over a breakup after he was told to role-play how he would advise a close friend going through the same rejection.When this patient heard his own mean thoughts about himself told to a friend, he realized that the thoughts were irrational and he was able to change how he felt about the breakup.These mental techniques are teaching your mind to attack problems from different angles, and not dwell in the negative. When you think of your problems in the voice of a friend, youre still just talking to yourself, but the te chnique can give us needed compassionate distance to process our emotions objectively.

Friday, November 22, 2019

12 signs your boss is impressed with you, even if it doesnt seem like it

12 signs your anfhrer is impressed with you, even if it doesnt seem like it12 signs your boss is impressed with you, even if it doesnt seem like itThe signs that your boss likes you can be quite subtle.But its crucial to definitively establish that your manager is on your side. Getting along with your boss is a pretty important partee of succeeding at work. Your manager likely controls whether or leidlage you get promoted, demoted, or fired, after all. Your job is in their hands.Some bosses make their appreciation clear. They heap on the praise, give positive and detailed feedback, and make you feel like youre an integral part of the success of the organization.But not all managers are so open.Its always good to ask for honest feedback. Before you make inquiries, though, here are a number of signs that your boss probably is pretty impressed with your workThey give you tough loveSuzanne Bates, CEO of Bates Communications and author of All the Leader You Can Be, told Business Insider t hat it can be difficult to figure out whether or not your boss likes you.A boss who sees you as promising may give you a lot of feedback, not all of it positive - some of it might be tough love because he or she sees you as someone who can handle it and is ready for mora responsibility, she said.They challenge youIf youre feeling a bit overwhelmed at times, then that might not be a terrible thing.The boss will probably give you more than you feel you can handle at times, not because he or she is trying to punish you, but because they want to test you on tough assignments, said Bates.They share your prioritiesAsk your boss what his or her top priorities are and put up your hand for challenging assignments, said Bates. Give the boss a chance to see you in action, especially on a project important to him or her, so that they can see what youre made of.They respect youAt the end of the day, likability is overrated.Stop worrying so much about whether the boss likes you because what real ly matters most is whether they respect you, include you, and engage you in important conversations, Bates said. Likability is not as important as making a contribution, being a thought partner, and helping the team and the organization thrive.They ask for your inputBruce Tulgan, the founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking and author of Its Okay to Manage Your Boss, said that bosses confer more with the employees whom they like and trust.If the boss often asks your input in one-on-ones and team meetings and leaves plenty of time for you to talk and then responds favorably to what you say - these are good signs, he said.Theyre not always forthcoming with the complimentsYou might think that managers shower the employees whom they value with praise, but Bates notes that this isnt always the case.They either think you already know youre in good standing, they dont want to seem to be favoring you, or they simply just forget because you do so many things well, she said.Bates recommended tha t you ask for feedback and make it clear that you want your manager to tell it like it is.Tulgan agreed, saying that workers shouldnt always expect unprompted feedback.You should always make sure you are getting expectations spelled out in vivid detail and you should be tracking your wertzuwachs every step of the way, he said. Keep score for yourself Then you wont have to guess.They go to you firstTulgan said that its promising if your boss seems to use you as a go to person. They hit you up first when something needs to be done, whether its a regular assignment or a special one.They give you more responsibilityManagers often deputize their most talented employees. You probably wont get a gold-star badge, but you will get put in charge of important projects and even your fellow coworkers.They defer to youWhen other employees are struggling, your manager sends them to you.If your boss tells others to go to you for guidance or instruction or examples of good work, this is a good sign, Tulgan said.They give you important tasksTulgan said that one major sign of trust is your boss specifically asking you to deal with important customers.They check in with youTulgan said that bosses will go out of their way to check on the workers they like. Theyll ask about your happiness, whether or not youre planning to leave, and how the company can keep you on.Your boss isnt interrogating you - theyre proactively figuring out what steps theyll need to take to retain you.They ask you to teach othersIf your manager is constantly asking you to show the geschftszimmer newbie the ropes or explain how things work to your colleagues, it may feel like theyre just pawning off extra tasks on you.And that might be the case, in some instances.But your boss also might also so impressed with your skills that they want to spread them around to others. Instead of looking at these requests as extra busy work, use them as opportunities to hone your own leadership abilities and showcase your exp ertise in the office.This article first appeared on Business Insider.12 signs your boss is impressed with you, even if it doesnt seem like itThe signs that your boss likes you can be quite subtle.But its crucial to definitively establish that your manager is on your side. Getting along with your boss is a pretty important part of succeeding at work. Your manager likely controls whether or not you get promoted, demoted, or fired, after all. Your job is in their hands.Some bosses make their appreciation clear. They heap on the praise, give positive and detailed feedback, and make you feel like youre an integral part of the success of the organization.But not all managers are so open.Its always good to ask for honest feedback. Before you make inquiries, though, here are a number of signs that your boss probably is pretty impressed with your workThey give you tough loveSuzanne Bates, CEO of Bates Communications and author of All the Leader You Can Be, told Business Insider that it can b e difficult to figure out whether or not your boss likes you.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreA boss who sees you as promising may give you a lot of feedback, not all of it positive - some of it might be tough love because he or she sees you as someone who can handle it and is ready for more responsibility, she said.They challenge youIf youre feeling a bit overwhelmed at times, then that might not be a terrible thing.The boss will probably give you more than you feel you can handle at times, not because he or she is trying to punish you, but because they want to test you on tough assignments, said Bates.They share your prioritiesAsk your boss what his or her top priorities are and put up your hand for challenging assignments, said Bates. Give the boss a chance to see you in action, especially on a project important to him or her, so that they can see what youre made of.They res pect youAt the end of the day, likability is overrated.Stop worrying so much about whether the boss likes you because what really matters most is whether they respect you, include you, and engage you in important conversations, Bates said. Likability is not as important as making a contribution, being a thought partner, and helping the team and the organization thrive.They ask for your inputBruce Tulgan, the founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking and author of Its Okay to Manage Your Boss, said that bosses confer more with the employees whom they like and trust.If the boss often asks your input in one-on-ones and team meetings and leaves plenty of time for you to talk and then responds favorably to what you say - these are good signs, he said.Theyre not always forthcoming with the complimentsYou might think that managers shower the employees whom they value with praise, but Bates notes that this isnt always the case.They either think you already know youre in good standing, they dont want to seem to be favoring you, or they simply just forget because you do so many things well, she said.Bates recommended that you ask for feedback and make it clear that you want your manager to tell it like it is.Tulgan agreed, saying that workers shouldnt always expect unprompted feedback.You should always make sure you are getting expectations spelled out in vivid detail and you should be tracking your performance every step of the way, he said. Keep score for yourself Then you wont have to guess.They go to you firstTulgan said that its promising if your boss seems to use you as a go to person. They hit you up first when something needs to be done, whether its a regular assignment or a special one.They give you more responsibilityManagers often deputize their most talented employees. You probably wont get a gold-star badge, but you will get put in charge of important projects and even your fellow coworkers.They defer to youWhen other employees are struggling, your manager send s them to you.If your boss tells others to go to you for guidance or instruction or examples of good work, this is a good sign, Tulgan said.They give you important tasksTulgan said that one major sign of trust is your boss specifically asking you to deal with important customers.They check in with youTulgan said that bosses will go out of their way to check on the workers they like. Theyll ask about your happiness, whether or not youre planning to leave, and how the company can keep you on.Your boss isnt interrogating you - theyre proactively figuring out what steps theyll need to take to retain you.They ask you to teach othersIf your manager is constantly asking you to show the office newbie the ropes or explain how things work to your colleagues, it may feel like theyre just pawning off extra tasks on you.And that might be the case, in some instances.But your boss also might also so impressed with your skills that they want to spread them around to others. Instead of looking at t hese requests as extra busy work, use them as opportunities to hone your own leadership abilities and showcase your expertise in the office.This article first appeared on Business Insider.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Damage Control for Your Holiday Mishap

Damage Control for Your Holiday MishapDamage Control for Your Holiday MishapHow to repair your reputation after a holiday party blunder.Alright, so you didnt read my last article you had a few too many vodka and tonics and things got a little out of hand at your companys holiday party.Whether you mouthed off to your manager, got caught up in an inappropriate conversation, or became a little too friendly with one of your coworkers, its important to address the situation as soon as possible and do a little damage control. While 1-800-Flowers can help you put together an Im sorry I threw up on you at the holiday party flower arrangement, its going to take more than that to reverse the damage done to your reputation.Take the following steps to start repairing your personal brand when you wake up the next morning with a little dread and a killerheadache.Regroup.Take a step back what did you do or say, and who welches involved? Who witnessed anything particularly damaging? Also, dont ass ume the worst find out what happened from a colleague you trust (ideally one who was in better shape than you) before planningyour next steps.Follow Up.Its important to apologize to anyone who was directly involved or offended as a result of your mishap. This is particularly important if it affected your direct manager or staff. Whenever possible, do this face-to-face and in a conference room so you have privacy. Depending on what happened, you may want to loop in HR.Move on.Dont dwell on the issue or continue bringing it up with your coworkers. Whats done is done. Make any necessary apologies and move on. Learn how to recognize your triggers so you can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future. The best way to improve your personal brand is to demonstrate your professionalism going forward.Add value.It goes without saying that your new goal is to be a model employee at the company. Also, look for ways to add value to the organization outside of your day-to-day activities. Fo r instance, you could volunteer to manage the companys indoor soccer team or head up the next fundraiser for charity.It can take years to build a positive personal brand but only an evening and a few too many cocktails to do some serious damage. Dont let a silly mistake affect your potenzial at the company. You wont be able to fix things overnight however, handling the aftermath with professionalism and tact will put you on the right track.